Crimson Nights

Date: 09/21/2019 Time: 7:00 PM-12:00 PM
Location: Delta Athenaeum
900 E Linwood Blvd Kansas City MO 64109
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Regular: $25.00
Standing Room Only: $15.00
Table of 10 : $250.00

You are purchasing directly from the event producer,KCMO DST, not from

Crimson Nights – An Evening of Entertainment & Trivia sponsored by the DEED Foundation and Delta Sigma Theta; will be held on Saturday September 21st , 2019 starting at 7pm at the Delta Athenaeum. The theme for the evening will be “Rep Your Team by showcasing your favorite college or professional sports team".

This event will include a trivia competition with various categories, silent auction, cash bar, and raffles. There will be a grand prize for the winners of trivia and best decorated table. The evening will include fun and entertainment with guest DJ Ben Rich; hosted by our very own Soror Tiffany Hamilton, and is for our 21 and older audience.

SAVE THE DATE - You can purchase individual tickets   for $25 or $15 (standing room only in upper balcony). Reserve your Teams/tables of ten (totals $250) NOW @ 2019 Crimson Nights - Table Sponsor RSVP - a $50 non-refundable deposit is due. 

Admission: Regular: $25.00
Standing Room Only: $15.00
Table of 10 : $250.00
You are purchasing directly from the event producer,KCMO DST, not from

Event Type(s): Fundraiser
Producer: KCMO DST
Contact: Phone:
This event is local

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