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Dollars and Sense Wealth Training for HS Students

Date: 01/12/2025 Time: 3:30 PM-5:30 PM
Location: Keystone CoLAB
800 E. 18th St. Kansas City MO 64108
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High school students, here’s your opportunity to learn to make money and start your track to building wealth.  Register today to take part in our 2025 session, Sundays January 12 - March 30th 2025, 3:30p-5:30p.  Details below.

Program includes at NO COST:
• $100 for each student successfully opening a brokerage account (students with existing accounts will also receive $100 to invest)

• Three essay contest winners ($1,750 in total cash awards)

• $1,000 in total cash awards to three students with the highest returning portfolios as part of a simulated stock market challenge

• Culminating financial literacy case study with three students winning an all-expense paid trip to the 2025 100 Black Men Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA (June 2025)

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Event Type(s): Community Action
Producer: 100 Black Men of Greater KC and Beta Lambda KC Alphas
Contact: Phone:
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